BEST Summer Course 2014 (Erlangen)

BEST Summer Course 2014
BEST Summer Course 2014

From June 10th to 17th the Local BEST Group Erlangen organized a “Summer Course” with the topic “Energy Remix – Be tomorrow’s power DJ”. Within the scope of this event the 22 participants from 15 different countries had the chance to discover a wide range of theoretical and applied energy topics. This included lectures by Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) covering topics like the German Energiewende, Energy Technology and excursions to the Schaeffler Group and Siemens AG.

The accademic part was carried with the support of different chairs of FAU. Prof. Matthias Luther from the Chair of Electrical Energy Systems provided an insight into the transition of electrical energy systems. The official opening speeches were held from the Mayor of Erlangen Dr. Florian Janik, Studiendekan Prof. Dr. Fröba and the FAU Vice President for Research Prof. Dr. Hornegger.


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The Transition of the Electrical Energy Systems: Perspectives, Challenges and Research:

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